
前 10 位用户

1.  aoe
AoE (AI on Edge,终端智能,边缘计算) 是一个终端侧 AI 集成运行时环境 (IRE),帮助开发者提升效率
Logcat Viewer
Xiaomi kernel OpenSource:cancro-kk-oss(contain MI 3W, MI 3C, MI 4 series, MI NOTE), armani-jb-oss(H1S), dior-kk-oss(HM-NOTE-LTE), ferrari-l-oss(Xiaomi 4i), thmoas-kk-oss(HM2 LTE),libra-l-oss(Xiaomi 4c,Xiaomi 4s and Xiaomi NotePro),kenzo-l-oss(HM Note3),ido-l-oss(Redme 3 and Redmi 2 android L),gucci-kk-oss(HM Note dual SIM version),pisces-kk-oss(…
4.  detekt
Static code analysis for Kotlin
Android gesture refresh layout
6.  atlas
7.  android
Smartisan open source code for full build.(repo manifest xml) 锤子科技的一小步,智能手机进化的一大步
类似 QQ 空间,微信朋友圈,微博主页等,展示图片的九宫格控件,自动根据图片的数量确定图片大小和控件大小,支持任意的图片加载框架
A custom widget for Android, which uesd for showing grid pictures.
10.  MyDiary
In the Movie "-your name.-" (君の名は。, 你的名字) , "My Diary" of android version is.
A web-based tool that lets you design icon animations and other animated vector art for Android. Exports to Android Vector Drawable format for Android.
12.  apk-parser
Apk parser with java, for decoding xml file and getting meta infos from apk file.
去除 Android 中的 R.class,减小 Apk 包大小
14.  crosswalk
Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink.
Router activities.
16.  AndRouter
A android router framework used to map url to activities or actions.
高仿最新版微信 6.2 手势滑动返回
Create diagonal cuts on image view
Demo that shows how to use RxJava with Android Data Binding ObservableFields
Android Developers are used to use an amount of shell commands in their everyday work, so I'm gonna recopilate some good shell commands to make search easier
21.  Pury
Android library for measuring time between multiple independent events.
22.  jaop
Jaop is a gradle plugin base on javassist for android aop
“面对面文件快传”,Android 端灵动快传,安卓互传文件,局域网,无网传输文件
Another sliding menu base on DrawerLayout
26.  Recovery
Android Crash 自动恢复
27.  Filmy
Awesome material designed movie app powered by tmdb and trakt.
This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
ZeusPlugin 插件框架热修复 Gradle 插件源码
30.  Jgraph
A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
32.  xposed-art
xposed for ART
Realtime camera filters for Android.
34.  Dali
Dali is an image blur library for Android. It contains several modules for static blurring, live blurring and animations.
RecyclerView 下拉刷新,自动加载更多
A pretty way to record .WAV audio on Android
A view which can add sticker and zoom, drag, delete it
38.  Onboarding
A beautiful way to introduce users to your app
A PullToRefresh widget, Imspired by Yalantis
42.  LogReport
当 App 崩溃的时,把崩溃信息保存到本地的同时,自动给 GitHub 提交崩溃 issue。

另外,崩溃信息支持邮件上传和 HTTP 上传,自动提交到 issue 使用的是邮件上传的方式。如果你拥有私人服务器,你也可以使用 HTTP 上传。

A simple android gradle plugin to smart split the specified classes to second dex.
A community-curated list of conferences around the world for Android developers.
MicroG GmsCore is a FLOSS framework to allow applications designed for Google Play Services to run on systems, where Play Services is not available.
46.  ticker
An Android text view with scrolling text change animation
47.  PokeFaker
An Xposed plugin to play Pokemon Go freely.
48.  GiftCard
A beautiful gift Cards for Android
FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for games and other memory constrained apps. It allows you to directly access serialized data without unpacking/parsing it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility.
A test between a few of the popular libraries running a speed test on how fast they load and save data.
51.  TEmptyView
Just a Wheel——A easy way to setEmptyView to ListView、GridView or RecyclerView etc..
52.  RxGroups
Easily group RxJava Observables together and tie them to your Android Activity lifecycle
53.  TurboDex
Fast load dex in memory
54.  VirtualApp
An open source implementation of MultiAccount.
Android Studio 翻译插件,可以将英文翻译为中文。
Android 自定义 View 仪表盘
57.  touchdemo
Custom touch handling in Android
Android Slanted TextView
Exploring possible implementations for better underline text decoration on Android
61.  BookShelf
BookShelf Android App
62.  SideBar
显示 PDF 文件,支持动画、手势、缩放、双击等
64.  Spotlight
65.  talalarmo
Android 闹钟
66.  RocooFix
Android hotfix framework
67.  redex
ReDex 是 Facebook 开源的工具,通过对字节码进行优化,以减小 Android Apk 大小,同时提高 App 启动速度。
收集不错的 Kotlin 开源库、文档及其他学习资源。
通过 Android 的 "bugreport" 文件分析得到系统详细的耗电情况、网络情况。支持分 App 查看。
70.  jdeferred
Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery
71.  dexposed
Android AOP 框架
72.  jadx
强大的反编译工具,支持直接从 Apk 或是 dex 反编译
73.  squidb
SquiDB is a SQLite database layer for Android
74.  javapoet
用于生成 .java 源文件的库
带数字进度的 ProgressBar,效果很炫
76.  Paper
Android 性能更好的 NoSQL 数据存储
扩展 RecyclerView 支持滑动删除,拖动排序
Android 屏幕适配方案,直接填写设计图上的像素尺寸即可完成适配,最大限度解决适配问题。
Android 动画精简库
类似 Google Sheets 的 Material 风格引导界面
81.  HotFix
基于 QQ 空间终端开发团队的技术文章实现的安卓 App 热补丁动态修复框架
通过 FB 的 React 框架和 JS 开发 Android、iOS 应用,Android 版今天刚发布
83.  AndFix
可用于 App 进行在线 Bug 修复,无需 App 重启,支持 2.3 到最新的 6.0,支持 arm 和 x86,支持 dalvik 和 art
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GitHub: Trinea
Facebook: Dev Tools